November 15, 2024

The Pacific Northwest is known for its natural beauty with soaring trees, green farmland, sprawling streams, and cascading waterfalls. It’s no surprise that our residents often want to capture that nature-inspired awe right in their own
backyard. While we can’t mimic exactly what you see on a trip through the Columbia River Gorge, the team at Landscape East & West can bring a year-round natural feel to your own backyard through a well-placed dry streambed.
As the name implies, a dry streambed is meant to look like just that: a natural stream that has dried up. It typically consists of a shallow, winding trench filled with stones. The stones, gravel, and boulders used, along with
natural plants along the borders, are meant to mimic the flow of water. In some cases, they even capture and direct rainwater that flows through a property. They can serve both a strictly aesthetic purpose and a solution for practical
drainage problems.
September 26, 2024

A new house provides the opportunity to start fresh on your home design. Each room is a clean slate waiting for your personal touch. The same is true for what sits outside the windows. A new home deserves a new landscape, whether it’s replacing the builder’s special square of grass and cement patio or transforming a chaotic wildlife habitat into something more useful. Planning your outdoor living space should be exciting. The consultants at
Landscape East & West are ready to help you create your design and get to work installing the yard of your dreams.