Category: HOA Landscaping
August 17, 2017
Make Your Outdoor Living Space Inviting with Control Lighting
Portland homeowners can add hardscaping, and a patio cover with a fire pit to expand outdoor living space and increase enjoyment during inclement weather. What they may overlook is the importance of landscape lighting. Portland’s winter months bring dark days—many residents feel disheartened at the prospect of leaving for work in darkness and arriving back home in darkness. Landscape lighting can make an outdoor space feel cozy and inviting, even during Portland’s soggy winter season.
August 28, 2015

Lawns and water are hot subjects every summer, especially during low-water years. To take the work out of lawn watering, homeowners and
homeowner associations (HOAs) often use automatic sprinklers. While a Hillsboro sprinkler installation makes watering the lawn effortless, it may also be inefficient if the sprinklers turn on while it rains or after a shower. To save water and keep your lawn green, our irrigation experts recommend installing sprinkler systems with moisture sensors.
May 30, 2014
For years, HOAs have chosen Landscape East & West as their Portland landscape maintenance partner. We pride ourselves on making HOA boards and community members happy through reliable and courteous service. Not only can HOAs rely on us for stellar service, they can also rely on us for proactive landscaping. We always have your landscape’s health in mind and are able to identify and address any issues before they become problematic. We think ahead and plan our maintenance to best serve your landscaping design. We invite you to learn more about our
HOA services!
May 27, 2014

Landscaping tends to be one of the largest line items in an HOA budget. As such, HOA boards are eager to find ways to save money on landscape maintenance. Selecting the right Portland landscaper is key in this quest. Choose a lackluster vendor and you could end up spending more money in the long term.
December 29, 2011

Commercial landscape maintenance for your homeowners association does more than just preserve property value by increasing curb appeal; a beautiful landscape also sets a positive first impression for residents and guests. Portland-area HOAs can successfully hire a professional landscape maintenance service by following a couple of steps:
November 28, 2011

Typically, landscaping represents one of the largest annual item in an HOA committee’s budget. Moreover, because residents see the HOA landscape every day, landscaping is a highly visible HOA maintenance responsibility. Portland and
Lake Oswego landscaping experts recommend that HOA leaders follow the tips below to achieve superior
HOA landscape maintenance.
October 20, 2011

From Portland to
Lake Oswego, landscaping is one of the first things that
HOA maintenance boards think about when looking for ways to cut expenses. It’s no wonder, considering that landscaping often represents a large portion of an HOA budget.
September 13, 2011

Many HOA landscaping maintenance contracts will be coming up for renewal throughout the fall and winter. If you’re involved with
HOA maintenance, you might be looking for a landscaping contractor who will keep both residents and board members happy. Below are the top three reasons why HOA maintenance boards love working with us for their landscaping maintenance.
September 01, 2011

At first blush, all landscaping seems eco-friendly. Assuming you add new plants, landscaping automatically converts Co2 to oxygen, offsetting our use of fossil fuels. Right?
May 26, 2011

The Pacific Northwest is known for its lush vegetation and more specifically evergreen trees. What many homeowners forget, though, is that there are many beautiful flowering trees and shrubs native to Oregon and the surrounding area. The following are a few landscaping contractor approved native flowering shrubs that work well in both home landscaping designs and
HOA landscaping:
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