April 28, 2011
It’s ea
sy to waste water on landscape management, even in the rainy Pacific Northwest. Most home owners associations have guidelines for landscaping design, but not many place restrictions on water usage. By implementing the following water saving tips you can reduce the amount of water waste your home produces and hopefully become an example for the rest of the neighborhood.
April 07, 2011
Landscape design can be a very personal, opinion-based venture. That’s why designing common areas for a home owner’s association can be tricky. As a company with many landscaping accounts in Portland and
Lake Oswego, we have experience dealing with HOA's. A landscaper and the HOA want to make sure everyone is happy, but neither can be paralyzed by conflicting opinions. Whether you work for an HOA or are a landscape contractor, knowing the ins-and-outs of the operation will help make the process a smooth, enjoyable one. Here are a few items that both parties should be aware of before entering into a
landscape management and maintenance project.