Category: Irrigation Systems

3 Ways to Save Money on Your HOA Water Bill

October 20, 2011

HOA MaintenanceFrom Portland to Lake Oswego, landscaping is one of the first things that HOA maintenance boards think about when looking for ways to cut expenses. It’s no wonder, considering that landscaping often represents a large portion of an HOA budget. (more…)

3 Reasons to Winterize Your Irrigation System

October 14, 2011

Piped IcicleIt’s easy to forget such things as winterizing irrigation systems. With the school year humming, holidays approaching and busy work schedules to keep up with, such winter maintenance tasks can easily slip one’s mind. However, failing to winterize is one of the most common causes of irrigation system repair. Here are three reasons why it’s important to winterize your irrigation systems: (more…)

How to Winterize Your Irrigation System

September 30, 2011

If you live in an area that rarely sees extremely cold temperatures, you may not realize the importance of winterizing irrigation systems. However, even mild climates like those along the West Coast can see hard freezes in the early hours of the morning, so it’s important to prepare your irrigation sprinkler system for winter by clearing it of all water. (more…)
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