Category: Landscape Design

Design Your New Summer Outdoor Living Space This Winter

November 29, 2017

Plan Hardscaping Projects Now So They’re Ready To Enjoy When You Are You know the expression, “there’s no time like the present?” Every spring we receive calls for patio updates and hardscaping projects. Unfortunately, by then we’re already booked solid! Winter is the perfect time to start planning hardscaping projects you’d like to have completed before summer. We want you to enjoy your outdoor living area renovations as soon as they’re done, so let’s get to it. Let us walk you through planning steps for your hardscaping projects. Take time now to plan ahead, and the outdoor living space you’re dreaming of will be ready for you when the warm weather returns. (more…)

French Drains May Be Your Soggy Lawn Solution

October 18, 2017

View Our Handy French Drains Infographic and Learn More About French Drains (more…)

Light Up Your Landscape

August 17, 2017

Make Your Outdoor Living Space Inviting with Control Lighting Portland homeowners can add hardscaping, and a patio cover with a fire pit to expand outdoor living space and increase enjoyment during inclement weather. What they may overlook is the importance of landscape lighting. Portland’s  winter months bring dark days—many residents feel disheartened at the prospect of leaving for work in darkness and arriving back home in darkness. Landscape lighting can make an outdoor space feel cozy and inviting, even during Portland’s soggy winter season. (more…)

Enjoy Your Outdoor Living Area All Year Long – Add the Perfect Covered Structure

July 20, 2017

outdoor-covered-structure-roof-design-300x199Covered outdoor living areas offer a year-round oasis for relaxing and entertaining. Landscape East & West will work with you to create a unique patio cover, pergola, or other covered structure that’s perfect for your landscape. Because covered patios and decks have become a sought-after element among homebuyers, homes with covered structures tend to earn a higher resale price. A wood pergola or other covered structure adds functional square footage to the home, extending your usable living space. After adding a covered outdoor structure, many homeowners find they enjoy the outdoors more frequently throughout the year. And in our drizzly Pacific Northwest climate, being able to enjoy the outdoors for more of the year is a huge plus. (more…)

Portland Landscaping Challenges Yield Beautiful Solutions

December 07, 2015

Portland Landscaping Patio DesignLiving atop a hill can certainly provide ample and usable space if designed and landscaped in a way that best suits a homeowner’s needs. However, additional space isn’t the only item a contractor and designer should keep in mind. There can be challenges with a sloped yard, such as drainage, retaining wall construction, and more. This type of space requires creativity and thoughtful planning. (more…)

Planning Your Spring Hardscaping Project

October 19, 2015

Hillsboro Patio & Water FeatureAs Portland’s winter rains settle in, it’s the perfect time to think about improvements for next year. This is especially true for those dreaming of outdoor living area renovations. Every year, we receive springtime calls for patio updates and other hardscaping projects. Unfortunately, by then we are already booked solid for the season! That’s why we’re encouraging you to plan ahead. Fall and winter are ideal seasons for getting your next big outdoor project started with careful planning. In this post we walk you through planning steps for outdoor hardscaping projects. (more…)

Shade Plant Recommendations for the Pacific Northwest

September 16, 2015

Hillsboro Oregon Landscaping PlantsWhat grows well in the shade? That’s a question we commonly field from our Portland landscaping clients. Here in the Portland metro area, different communities see different weather patterns, different soil compositions, and slightly different growing conditions. What does well in a shady Lake Oswego yard may not survive in a shady backyard in Hillsboro. Landscaping depends on multiple inputs, from soil condition to light patterns. Each yard also has its own microclimates influencing growth. As such, there is no simple answer to the shade question. Every yard has its own unique growing conditions, which may or may not support the requirements of specific shady plants. Speaking with a landscaping expert can give you insight into the type of plants that will thrive in your yard. (more…)

Project Spotlight: Portland Landscaping Company Creates Covered Patio Solution

April 22, 2015

Portland Patio Design Landscape East & WestThe rainy days in the Pacific Northwest are negligible when you take into account the beautiful spring, summer and fall weather that our area enjoys. As much as our clients in southwest Portland loved being outside, their old patio made it difficult to enjoy their outdoor living space during inclement weather. In summer 2014, Our Portland landscaping company transformed our clients’ patio and deck into a seamless all-weather outdoor living space. (more…)

Project Spotlight: Northeast Portland Yard Transformed by Landscaping Team

March 26, 2015

Plants for Portland LandscapingA good Portland landscaping team isn’t finished with a project until the client is satisfied. Our Northeast Portland client had worked with another design company that did not provide the installation work. She searched online and found Landscape East & West’s stellar reviews and got in touch with us for a complimentary in-home consultation. It was during this meeting that I learned more about the client’s wants and needs, lifestyle and budget. My landscaping team walked the client through the entire landscaping modification process to ensure that we addressed all her concerns and updated the design according to her preferences. (more…)

Project Spotlight: Portland Landscapers Turn Wet Backyard into Usable Living Area

February 12, 2015

Portland Landscaping Synthetic Turf InstallationA backyard is supposed to be a place that the whole family can enjoy. However, the clay soil at our client’s residence in Vancouver, Washington brought headaches and frustration. Not only did the family’s dog constantly track mud inside the home, the kids didn’t have a proper place to play. Our Portland landscaping experts teamed up with designer Clement Walsh, of Clement Walsh Landscape Design, and turned this wet backyard into a useable outdoor living space. (more…)
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