February 17, 2014
When it comes to Portland landscaping maintenance, tree pruning plays a large role in the health and longevity of a landscaping design. In this post we share tree pruning before and after photos of some common Portland-area trees.
February 12, 2014

Pruning is a science and an art. Proper pruning requires an understanding of plant biology, an appreciation for aesthetic beauty, and a sense of how pruning will allow more growth. In today’s blog, we’re taking a look at the when, why, and how of
pruning trees in the Portland area.
August 07, 2012
While it may seem that landscaping Beaverton, Portland, and other perpetually green locales would b

e a year-round job, the truth is that certain months of the year are very quiet from a landscaping perspective. August, for instance, is a time to put lawn care maintenance on hold, since most plants, including grass, enter their dormant season during the hottest time of the year.