Landscaping and Garden Tips for Early Spring
Spring is an interesting time of year for landscape management in the Pacific Northwest. The weather isn’t quite nice enough to really dig in (excuse the pun) to gardening, yet it is getting to the point that basic yard maintenance needs to be done. Landscaping in West Linn and the surrounding Portland area means dealing with cold and rainy weather during this time, but you will find getting an early start will both liven your yard and prepare it for spring. The following are a few useful tips for tending to your yard and garden during early spring.
Prune, prune, prune. Now is the time to start pruning if you haven’t began already. February and March are great times for pruning flowering trees and fruit trees since they will start budding in early spring. For taller and difficult to reach pruning services, landscaping companies may be able to help.
Start your (mower) engines! Even though it seems fine now, your lawn can quickly get out of control when the sunny weather starts to come back. Mowing and weeding your grass now will help you stay on top of any sudden growth that takes place when the weather warms up.
Start planting annuals. As far as landscape management goes, planting flowers is definitely at the top of the list. Unfortunately, many people wait too long to get annuals and biennials in the ground. True, not all of these flowers will survive if an unexpected cold front comes in, but that’s no reason to not put them in the ground. In fact, planting annuals now is a good way to give a dash of color to a yard that may otherwise be pretty drab.
Tend to the young ones. Many spring-blooming bulbs start to come in during early spring and you should tend to them accordingly. This can include thinning them, pulling weeds, and adding mulch.
For help with additional seasonal services landscaping in West Linn and other local areas, contact your local landscape design and maintenance company.
[Photo by: boocal]