Lawn Maintenance: Can Your Crane Fly Problems Be Controlled?
Yes, each spring including leap year we begin to notice our lawns thinning and in some areas just down-right disappearing. This year I am predicting a higher than average infestation in the Portland area than last year. Oregon had a wet fall, mild winter and some-what mild early spring. As we begin to see the turf thinning we can also note how the desirable grass is damaged or eaten by these nocturnal feeding larva, and yet the undesirable grasses are left untouched and growing well.
Remember the adult Crane flies you saw flying around your home last fall, (they look like giant mosquitoes)? Well, it is their offspring that have overwintered and are now feeding and growing at an alarming rate. By late May through June they will move into the pupa stage of their life cycle. We do see overlapping life cycles of this insect as the damaging European Crane Fly compete with native Crane Fly which tend to be less damaging to our beautiful turf areas.
So let’s get to it, control…, no control…, organic vs. synthetic control? Yes, you can have a beautiful lawn and control the population of larva before they reach damaging levels. Did I mention that an “organic” biological control is available!
Our Crane Fly control contains live spores of naturally occurring fungus targeting larva of this specific insect. We try to target all turf areas in the fall where damage is most prevalent and find it cost effective to examine and treat again in the spring those areas that would benefit from an additional treatment.
The goal of these treatments is simple: lower the Crane Fly larva population to below damaging levels; leave beneficial worm populations unaffected; provide a treatment that is safe for kids and pets; and promote a healthy, thriving lawn.
Landscape East & West has been quite successful in controlling this pest using the most natural biological controls available. Our lawn care maintenance team can help you say good bye to muddy bare areas in the winter and reseeding in the spring.
Let us know when we can assist you with the best lawn care your landscape deserves!