Backyard Hardscape

Planning the Process

A Lake Oswego family with young children recognized a need for more outdoor play space and also wanted an area to relax and entertain while still keeping an eye on the kids. We transformed a shallow yard full of fir trees and little else into a beautiful, modern, usable hardscape for the whole family.

Consultation – Design – Approval

The clients provided a list of their needs and wants and we met with them to review potential materials that would satisfy their desires and blend with their home’s architecture. From that meeting, we identified areas for gardening, a hot tub, play space, and simply relaxing. A budget was put together and presented to the client. Our team working with the client then created design drawings and a final proposal was signed.



Removing what can’t be used, preserving what can, implementing tricks of the trade to expand living space, and providing a workable surface on which to build, are the basic steps we use to approach a yard renovation.


Remove – Level – Dig

The yard required extensive excavation and grading between the house and a grove of fir trees. Care had to be taken to protect the many tree roots from both immediate and longer-term damaging impacts. Trenches were created for the irrigation system and the ground was leveled to improve drainage and provide a solid footing for the placement of the hardscape — a series of patios. 


No two yards in Lake Oswego are alike so our installation process is never quite the same, however, our goal is to start with a solid foundation, add in the necessities to keep the land stable and plants growing, and then work our way up through the features that make the yard memorable.

Irrigation & Drainage

The clients wanted a more aesthetic option than typical drainage channels. We chose to use a hardscape of permeable pavers lined by ribbons of Mexican pebbles. A Hunter Hydrawise drip irrigation was installed for its ease of use and efficiency.




We used a variety of lights to satisfy the client’s desire for a yard that could be used day or night. We added path lights for safety, ledge lights under caps for ambiance, and a few uplights under the larger trees for drama. The lighting is subtle but makes the space usable in the dark.


Concrete Castohn Olympic pavers were chosen for their durability and their sand finish look that offers a natural appearance, set off by the Mexican pebbles that border the pavers. The pavers are carried throughout the space, providing a modern aesthetic and hardscape for scooters.

retaining walls

Retaining Walls

Belgard material was used for the Melville Tandem walls that are modular and offer a modern look. The walls allowed for more usable space and created carved-out, elevated zones for the different activities the yard is used for.  The walls also act as backstops for the kids’ balls.

Plants & Trees

Most of the existing fir trees remain but are joined by apple and pear trees that are espaliered to maximize growing space and create a focal point for the yard. Stainless steel woven wire stretched between posts supports the trees. The planters are filled with a variety of herbs.



The clients chose Corten Steel planters to contrast with the concrete hardscape and for their durability. The planters block off an area for the hot tub and nearby is space to pull in a portable fire pit that can be used for cozy evenings, but easily removed for more play area.


Challenges We Encountered

The biggest challenges for the installation were the minimal access to the space which complicated getting equipment and material into the yard, and the many existing fir trees that prevented us from using a large section of the yard for fear of encroaching on their root system. The trees also gave heavy shading, minimizing what could grow within the yard.

Final Results

Our clients were thrilled with the results and couldn’t wait to share their new space with their Lake Oswego friends. It wasn’t just the clients who appreciated our work. This yard project won the Residential Landscape Design/Outdoor Living $100,000-$250,000 award from the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI).
